

情书词典 qingshu.cidiancn.com

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明明知道下个路口大家就要分道扬镳,可你还是忍不住绕了一个远路跟她多走一程,这段路里你脚步轻快,等到不得不回头的时候,步伐沉重,如果可以,你想,再多走一段也无妨,怀里还紧紧揣着那封 英文情书。
  i can still remember our first time together, the way you kissed me, the way your hands caressed my body, the way you looked at me. it's truly amazing the way you completely changed my life around.
  just when i thought my life was never going to change, you came along and showed me a whole new world. a world filled with love, a world filled with respect, a world filled trust and then one day you took all that away from me and left me lost and alone. so, how can you now ask for all those things in return? love is not a game.
  it's true i love you but i don't trust you and i'm not sure i ever will, but i'm willing to try because my love is so completely true and i really do love you. so please try to understand me on those days that get so hard on us and things don't always go our way. don't forget i was never untrue to you so don't punish me for crimes that i never committed, 'cause when you do that, it makes me feel really suffocated and it makes me push you away ... yo siempre te amare con toda mi alma.  总结:后来你的身边也没什么人,也没有心情去重新了解一个人了,你没觉得自己不好,只是少了他,再好也缺了一点,说不清道不明的感觉。


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