

情书词典 qingshu.cidiancn.com

阅读: 445

Dear Leann,

I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife.

Love always,

Your Ansil 

亲爱的黎安 ,

我昨晚睡觉, 梦想着你在 我旁边 。 整夜我睡得像个婴儿 , 因为当时我并不感到孤独 。 今天早上我醒来的时候, 看看它是否是 真实的或如果它是 一个梦, 现实打击了我, 这只是一个梦 。 很快, 我知道 你会来到我身边 , 并且我不会 再去梦想, 因为 你就在这里, 所以 我们可以把握, 彼此紧紧拥抱 。 亲爱的 , 我渴望 和你在一起 我可以帮助你, 支持你 , 所以 , 我们可以做很多 一起作为 丈夫和妻子 。

永远的爱 ,

你的 安西尔 


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